Ibis Water Modelling

Managing your water and billing statistics

Ibis Water Modelling will allow Water Authorities to view a summary analysis of the charge and consumption for current and modelled data. The summary analysis allows you to view totals and statistics by category which can then be refined by drilling down into sub categories or a range analysis.

Display reports by category with pie or bar charts for charges or consumption. Within a category, view a break down of the charges, connection charges, sewerage charge, consumption charges and any other water changes.


The summary analysis detail and applicable reports allow the user to interrogate (slice and dice) statistical information across relevant parameters.

  • Drill down categories
  • Land type
  • Suburb/locality
  • Reservoir source
  • Land use (ANZSIC code)
  • Division
  • Fire levy
  • Meter age


Ibis Water Modelling provides the following functionality:

  • Analyse new tariff structures e.g. introduction of steps and calculate effect on revenue
  • Display effect on changes to consumption for different categories of customers i.e. residential, commercial, zone, suburb, and so on
  • Range analysis on consumption and charges e.g. single dwelling customers with consumption over 2 klkilolitres/day
  • Spike analysis, determine those that have had a sudden increase in consumption, great for detecting leaks
  • Report on consumption trends for individual customers
  • Display information on customers numbers by various categories

Range Analysis

  • Total Charges
  • Charge variance
  • Total consumption
  • Consumption variance
  • Daily consumption
  • Consumption Change

The summary screens will show: Overall consumption per quarter, revenue, and adjustments per selected category Total consumption, revenue and adjustments Minimum, maximum and average $ and con sumption per selected category Assessments Details Screen

The detailed assessment screen shows Water Billing information, Meter readings and meter information including historical data, charge and consumption modelling details and various reports and analysis tools for use on a customer level.