Installing IBIS rates modelling system at Wellington City Council has paid big dividends in the first year. We have used it initially for data cleansing and to better understand our ratepayer base, rating sectors, valuations and how our rating policy impacts on ratepayers. Using near real-time data from our rating system, combined with the flexibility (number of functions) for rates modelling provided accurate results, very efficiently.

We have recently been assisted by Jordan from IBIS to help us model the potential impacts of regional amalgamation, after the IBIS team consolidated the Wellington region’s councils rating information databases, all within an unreasonably short deadline. It was an intensive exercise which required a high level of accuracy, and was made very easy by his expertise of the system and broader knowledge of similar exercises and scenarios throughout Australasia. We will now move on to understanding our rating re-valuation changes and the impacts of earthquake prone buildings values on our rating base to assist in further policy development

Martin Read
Manager Financial Strategy & Planning