Whakatāne District Council

“I cannot over emphasise how professional the whole experience was for Council staff attending the training. Highly recommended”

Central Otago District Council

With the ability to model these decisions and their effects “on the hoof” the Councillors felt comfortable in being able to make alternative funding decisions like moving a particular targeted rate from land value to capital value or spreading the rate over more ratepayers.

City of Townsville

Ibis Information Systems were able to clearly and confidently provide excellent responses and demonstrations of their professional software, rate and water modelling, data cleansing and support services.

Marlborough District Council

IBIS Pro replaced processes and many complex worksheets that had been in place for over 10 years.

Randwick City Council

Since the completion of the training, Council staff have used the modelling solution on their own and have been able to prepare models with the knowledge gained in the implementation training.

Wellington City Council

It was an intensive exercise which required a high level of accuracy, and was made very easy by his expertise of the system and broader knowledge of similar exercises and scenarios throughout Australasia.

Toowoomba Regional Council

The Ibis Rate Modelling Solution proved an invaluable tool during the four workshops we undertook with our Mayor, Councillors and senior staff.